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UV Pools
Narol, MB R1C 0A1 _

(204) 272-7840 _



uvpools 28.06.19 13:30
Having a pool in your yard sounds like a wonderful idea, but keep in mind that pools require proper installation, management, and equipment. UV Pools is a company located in Narol, Manitoba, and we have years of experience in replacing pool liners. Our liners come with a seven-year guarantee against leakages and we can also provide safety covers to keep your pool unharmed during Spring and Fall. We can also install cool new features and upgrades, as well as safe rubber decks to keep the surface non-slippery and cool during hot summer sun. And if you need modern equipment to make pool management simple, we are here to help you make the right choice. Visit our website or give us a call for more information and any question you may have regarding your pool!

UV Pools

4304 Henderson Hwy, Narol, MB R1C 0A1

(204) 272-7840


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